Because its who we are...
Degenerates Milsim Group is a veteran and first responder based organization. All members are over the age of 21 with diverse backgrounds. As a team we strive to set higher standards of play with leadership and pushing immersion forward. Formed in 2010 in Northeast Ohio as a hobby we've expanded 10 years later as a brand. A team roster of testosterone and energy dink infused Chads 20 deep. We have built from the ground up a DPV, multiple AT-4 Launchers, M72 Law, and the cherry topper our latest project a M2HB 50 cal. for the DPV.
So we thought what next? Growth! We wanted to grow as a family and team. We want to share the brotherhood, with like minded individuals, we have received through our experiences in the military and as first responder's. The Degenerates Milsim Group has been blessed to use this hobby as a way to break away from the stressful lives we live and give back to the community we share our weekends, sweat, and sometimes blood with. From training to kicking back and hanging out on a holiday weekend, our goal is to grow our family.